Monday, October 20, 2008


Hi Everyone,

Thanks Jo for doing such a fantastic job of the last newsletter. This month is full of activities to attend - as listed below.

We had a very relaxing and chatty meeting on the 1st, cutting out hearts and threading them on ribbon for messages on the silhouettes at the mini field on Friday 17th. We welcomed Barbara, and straight away set her to work, and we all thoroughly enjoyed birthday cake for Margaret's 40th and Jo's 50th.

Those of us who joined Jo for her 50th celebrations on Saturday the 4th had a lovely afternoon in the sun on the Lovelocks deck, drinking wine, eating fine food and enjoying the company of Jo's family and friends. Thanks to Jo and Andrew for sharing this milestone with us.

Jo, Helen, Lisa, Anne, Lucy and Judy Sammut amongst many others enjoyed listening to a pathologist and medical oncologist speak at the BCNA forum on Saturday regarding "Insights into Breast Cancer Pathology" and "Life after Breast Cancer". Here are Jo's notes:

The Pathologist was entertaining (for someone who is in a ‘dry’ profession). Our tissue samples are fixed in paraffin blocks, and stored in climate controlled rodent free premises for 20 years! He emphasised that if you do have a recurrence it is possible for them to retrieve your original specimen and take a look. Cancers can change their ‘personalities’ over time. He discussed the information that they looked for, which we all should know about. The ‘clear margins’ Type, Size and Grade of Tumour, Oestrogen, Progesterone and Her2 status. Also the Sentinel Node status or axillary clearance status. He also spoke about the future of Gene profiling, not in relation to Genetic cancers but to an individual’s Genotype. He reminded us that it is a labour intensive job with many steps along the way and much looking down a microscope. Not like a blood test where the sample is put into a machine and an answer pops out at the end!! The medical oncologist spoke again about pathology and the choices we have with treatment. Which options are available for specific cancers. He also touched on the future.

Stephanie Dowrick a psychotherapist, author and breast cancer survivor also spoke. “When we are no longer able to change a situation we are challenged to change ourselves” was one quote she used. Another was “Life itself is a precious thing and one can be hopeful about life itself”. She spoke about empowering ourselves and left us with some messages: We cannot afford to
- hold resentment from the past
- hold resentment about the present
- worry about petty matters or not know if they are petty
- think badly of ourselves
- add pain to our suffering by judging ourselves harshly
- blame other
- spend time with people who affect our body negatively (I like that one!)
- regret
- put off or postpone anything that matters to us
- come to terms with our own mortality it is the nature of physical existence to die
- not ask questions we need to ask
- understand the difference between molehills and mountains - we step over molehills and we climb mountains in small steps
- not deal with anger/depression

We need to show everyone we love them, live joyfully, laugh, discover our values and live to the full, do whatever brings us JOY JOY JOY, let some things slide and glide, find our spiritual center that gives meaning to our life and regard that place as home.

We purchased some of her books and they will be at the next meeting.

A not so low carb/sugar afternoon tea was enjoyed and some networking occurred. Old friends re-visited and new ones made.

Activities this Month
October 17th Friday 10-12am
A BCNA minified event held by all the Peninsula Support Groups. A morning tea, entertainment and fundraising for the Peninsula Wig Library. $5 entry cost to go directly to the Wig Library. Entertainment includes our own Lee Murphy, who will be singing during the morning.
To be held at Cruden Farm Frankston Cranbourne Rd.
Contact Jo or PPH Day Chemo Unit. This will be a very moving and delightful experience, especially in the beautiful Cruden Farm gardens.

October 19th Sunday 9am-3pm
A Breast Intentions/BCNA minifield and breast health awareness stall to be held at the Mornington Food and Wine Festival. We have a few volunteers to help on the day, but would appreciate more so if you're free.
8:30 Jann & Jo - set up
10:00 Ferne
11:00 Caroline, Lee

October 22nd Wednesday 10:00 - 3:00
Cancer Health Expo - Hastings Club 155 Marine Parade Hastings
Guest Speakers: Dr David Blakey - Radiation Oncologist
Edwina Beddoes - Cancer Council Victoria
Dawn Leicester - Breast Cancer Network Australia
Free light lunch, plus Hospice, Dragons Abreast, Prostate Support, Myeloma Foundation, Health Information and more.
RSVP Marg 5983 6044 or

October 26th Sunday Pink Breakfast.
To be held at Cerberus fund to National Breast Cancer Research Fund. Cost $35 a head. Last year fabulous door prizes and good bags provided. Assume the same this year. Contact Helen Ainslie or Jo more info to follow...

October 27th Monday 12 noon
Hotel Sorrento Luncheon.
A pink buffet lunch and minifield this year. Tables don’t need to be booked as they have expanded the seating area although tickets still need to be pre purchased.
Costs $25 per head, silhouettes may be purchased. Funds to go to The McGrath Foundation and BCNA.

October 29th Wednesday 10:00 - 3:00 pm
Sexuality and Cancer - This is a free seminar - registration is essential - lunch included
The Cancer Council - 100 Drummond Street, Carlton
Cancer and its treatment often results in a loss of sexual confidence. Come along with your partner to learn ways of coping and enhancing your relationship in a safe, supportive environment.
This is facilitated by Dr Amanda Hordern, PhD, and Doreen Akkerman, AM. Many of us know Doreen from a sexuality session she held in Mornington and she is absolutely hilarious. RSVP The Cancer Council Helpline 13 11 20 or

Coming Up

November 5th Breast Intentions meeting - The Bays at 7.00 pm

November 29th Annual Cancer Survivors Seminar - Free seminar lunch and refreshment provided
The Cancer Council - 100 Drummond Street, Carlton
10:00 - 3:00 pm
This seminar and is open to anyone who has had cancer, their partners, family and friends. Topics include: Understanding cancer related anxiety and depression; Changes in relationships and roles; Problem solving techniques; Money matters including superannuation. Registration essential, RSVP the Cancer helpline 13 11 20 by Monday 24th November.

December 3rd Breast Intentions end of year Christmas Dinner at The Grand in Mornington. 7.00 pm and Kris Cringle

December 5th Sexuality and Cancer - same time, place and info as November 29th session

Take care and see you soon,

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