Friday, May 27, 2011

May Update 2011

Dear All
Firstly a HUGE thank you to all who have returned surveys. We have had 50 responses which is FANTASTIC but would still like more. Its never too late! Remember this is your group and we are happy to try to fulfil your needs. The group is there for a monthly visit, the occasional visit, the library, or just to receive the newsletter. There is no right or wrong, it is what suits you whenever.
Over 80% of the responses like information to be sent out monthly. Chris our newsletter editor is in the process of selling/moving so in between the ‘proper’ newsletters we will send out an monthly update J. 80% also like the dinners so they will continue in July and December. The meetings will remain on the FIRST Wednesday of the month (typo in the survey oops). There are a few requests for a daytime meeting. The Beleura gals meet on the 2nd Friday of the month at 1pm for afternoon tea at Beleura Hospital Nepean Highway Mornington. I will check out the room availability at The Bays but am prepared to organize an afternoon at 2-4pm first Wednesday of the month in July and December at this stage. If we can’t meet at the hospital there is a coffee shop over the road with couches that MAY be suitable. Stay tuned!!
The library was used by 50% of you (many weren’t aware of it!!) We are going to purchase some more books so thank you for your suggestions. If you have any relevant books to donate please do so. Or if there are some of ours lurking in the cupboard and you have finished with them please return. Also we are still taking suggestions to pourchase. At this stage we will only offer books that people have found relevant to their diagnosis, treatment, and life after cancer.
Over 80% would welcome another day at Eldon Park. I will meet with the Yoga Gals and they will pick at Saturday in winter. Fiona (our singing lady) has offered to come. We will run meditation; Reiki, massage maybe some Pilates or Tai Chi depending on who is available to share their expertise with us. There will be no charge to you. Breast Intentions will pay the hire of the house. All participants would be asked to bring some food to share as there is a kitchen and we would have morning tea, lunch and afternoon tea as well.
Some of you also put up your hand to be buddies- thank you- either face to face or on the phone. This is fabulous especially for our newer members, or those undergoing treatment. Don’t forget 131120 Cancer Connect can link you with someone. (Or some of you may like to become cancer connect volunteers for CCVic as well). BCNA at have a great online forum where you can chat with others who may be undergoing similar treatment, or be in circumstances like yours. It is a great way to communicate with others when it suits you ( I am often awake at 3am.....)
We also received some great recipes and are still looking for more. If you would like to add a line about why it’s your favourite, or why it’s a wonderful idea for women to support other women through fundraising for the wig library we would like to hear from you. I will put in Sally Ann’s email next update, she is our Pilates teacher who prints our brochure for free and will do the recipe book as well for free. This means all monies raised will go to the wig library! Speaking of which Chris Rolls work raised a fabulous $177 which will provide 177 women with brushes for their wigs. A great effort!
I was sorry to miss the last meeting but it was Andrews birthday. I made a cake in the Thermomix which mixed beautifully but didn’t cook as planned! Oven too hot it burnt on top... ah well trim it and turn it upside down I thought. Then it wasn’t quite cooked in the middle so I thought ah well we will eat around it. Unfortunately I put a footy mascot on the top and it sank.... ah well a muddy footy field... I also put in some goal post candles and the cake was too hot... ah well they melted into it. The bits we could eat tasted OK though... next time slower oven me thinks (perhaps not one for the recipe book!!)
BCNA are holding a National Member group Summit in August and would like us to send a group member representative. The Summit is from August Thursday 18th until midday Saturday 20th in Melbourne. If anyone is interested in representing Breast Intentions for this summit please let me know. BCNA will cover travel and accommodation costs for selected delegates J
The Summit aims to: Strengthen ties between the member groups, assist groups to continue to help support women with breast cancer, provide up to date information on breast cancer and offer a networking opportunity for breast cancer champions across Australia.
There is a booklet available from Department of Health called ‘Choose Health be active’ produced and recommended by the Lymphoedema Association Vic. Call 1800500853 for a copy or go to to download. Forget the ‘older ‘Australian tag it is about exercising for strength and balance and its FREE!! There is also an article in their magazine called Swell News about the benefits of exercise and how it can help Lymphoedema available at
The following was taken from suggested by a member:
After Treatment:
For some people, completing their treatment signals a new beginning in life. At the same time, it can also mark the end of constant support and care. When you reach this point, there are many new issues to think about and plan. Here are a few of the most common ones:
How will I know if the cancer returns?
Before you complete your cancer treatments, set up follow-up visits with your doctor. Regular physical exams and mammograms will help find recurrent or new breast cancer should this occur. Be aware of new changes that occur in your breasts and report them to your doctor right away.
Am I going to feel sick from now on?
No. As you finish your treatment, you may still be tired. Do not fight that — your body needs the rest.
Aerobic exercise can help speed the recovery process following treatment. Side effects like nausea and hair loss are temporary, and should go away after treatment ends. If nausea and other side effects continue, be sure to tell your doctor. There are often specialized support groups for people at various stages of illness or recovery and self-help groups that are run by breast cancer survivors. These groups can be an important source of information and support.
Should I re–establish my usual routine?
Getting back to all the things you used to do, even if it takes some time, will help you feel better. Adding preventive health activities like physical activity, eating a healthy diet and getting regular tests — such as a bone-density test and a colon exam — are the right ways to maintain your health and may also help you have peace of mind.
Who should I tell about my breast cancer?
It is really up to you. Start with the people you feel most comfortable around. Take your time and wait
until you are ready.
Will it ever be over?
Believe it or not, there may come a day when you stop worrying about cancer and live your life without fear. It is normal to have some anxiety, but this will lessen over time. You can always get support from groups of women who have gone through what you have, and some who are in the same place as you are now.
Symptoms that you should report to your doctor
• Any changes in the remaining breast(s) and chest area, unusual pain, loss of appetite or weight, changes in menstrual periods, unusual vaginal bleeding or blurred vision.
• Dizziness, coughing that does not go away, hoarseness, shortness of breath, cough, headaches, backaches, bone pain or digestive problems that are unusual or that do not go away.
Your doctor will examine you and determine the nature of the symptoms and d
Our next meeting is Wednesday June 1st. Unfortunately Liz Mc Millan the psychologist is unable to attend as planned. Hoping to see some of you then J Welcome to Penny our newest member. Hugs and thoughts to all undergoing treatment at this time ooxxoo
Jo, Sue, Chris and your mates at Breast Intentions

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